T.P.N.: Total Parenteral Nutrition means giving Nutritional sterile fluids directly into a large vein through a small tube called a catheter. This Nutrition is given to persons who are unable to take sufficient ordinary food to be able to sustain Life. Nutritional fluids like this are complex and used to be given in the hospital or skilled nursing facilities only. But now they can be given safely in the comfort of your home. B) IVIG: Intravenous immunoglobulin therapy is given to patients who have “immune deficiencies” that is their natural defenses are weak, such as in HIV/AIDES patients or cancer patients, just to name two. Again this therapy can be given directly into a vein through a small tube called an intravenous catheter. C) Intravenous Infusion Therapy: Is the administration of different types of medications, “IV”, through a large vein either at home or in the clinic, or hospital. The list of medications that can be given can be very long, just to mention a few; antibiotics, pain medications, Insulin, anti-nausea medications, anti-diarrhea medications, vitamins, or other drugs prescribed by your doctor.
You can be discharged from the hospital to your loved ones at home.
It gives you the personal freedom to carry on with your life.
It helps you stay out of the hospital. Approximately 5% of hospitalized patients develop an infection during hospitalization.
You are able to get more personalized care.
It lowers you’re out of pocked share of cost. In fact cost savings over the hospital setting are estimated at 60%!
As you gain your weight back you will feel happier.
You have a personal care pharmacist 24/7 at your disposal.
Home infusion therapy first starts with an order (prescription) from your doctor. If you cannot hold down your food, have chronic diarrhea. Low proteins in your blood, poor appetite, severe weight loss, and associated cancer among other diagnoses, you may qualify for these valuable services.
Chemique Pharmaceuticals, Inc. has been treating divers, complex patients in their homes for 30 years. Some patients have had severe malnutrition from the ravages of stomach or pancreatic cancers and surgeries. Other patients have bad hearts, diabetes, high blood pressure and bowel disease. Many of these patients were freed from repeated and prolonged hospitalizations. As an additional security for you, all our staff is carefully screened with background checks and investigation of credentials and certificates. They must also meet and pass our in house on-going skills and educational in service programs.
The pharmacy will supply everything necessary for you to receive your therapy. All our pumps, equipment, and supplies are vigorously inspected before delivery to your home.
Yes, we are accredited by the (ACHC) Accreditation Commission for Health Care Inc. This agency is the same firm that sets the national “GOLD” standard for a specialty pharmacy such as ours, and including hospitals! ACHC attestation is proof we have met all their stringent high standards and that we are in compliance with all regulatory agencies, federal, state, county, and city. We strive to allay your concerns for your safety by demonstrating excellence in our service to you.
No! Providers must show that they meet the highest ACHC criteria, through a strict review of 96 separate qualifying standards covering eight fields and subgroups of business operation such as; Quality Improvement, Personnel training and checks, case management, customer service; patient education, follow up, continuity of care etc.
We serve the greater southern California region.
Most health insurances provide for these services but coverage specifies vary by plan. Medicare covers home infusion under their guidelines. We will need to obtain your health care record to confirm your qualifying diagnosis or diagnoses. Then secondly your health insurance coverage. We will work with you and your physician to obtain your records history and physical, pathology reports, operative reports, labs, X-Rays, etc.)to qualify you for this service.

You can contact us at (562) 698-0921. We’re glad to be of assistance and answer any further questions.